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A solution for physician burnout: 7 steps to approach systemic change with positive psychology

We tackle problems like eliminating the global suicide epidemic, healing victims in human trafficking, atrocities prevention, hate speech eradication, or even making a whole country happy.

One problem that came to us is a complex one of physician burnout.

How do we solve such a multi-dynamic problem?

How does a healthcare system move from

physician burnout to physician rejuvenation?

From a timeline of change perspective; we would recommend something FAST, NOW, and something gentle and long term.

Sometimes you have to halt a system to change instead of thinking all is well over time.

In 2018; wellness of physicians can be a priority.

We hypothesize every single physician would admit; behind closed doors and anonymously, they made an error in someone’s healthcare due to a symptom of burnout.

If you are an administer, CEO, HR or any other decision maker contributing to the problem - It is a new year and can be a new policy! We care about everyone.

Who will disagree? It is time to also support the physicians on the front lines with new tools and support.

Here is one approach which would have to become the policy of insurance companies, hospitals, universities, families, couples and individuals.

Perhaps things have yet to change because the technology to support a systemic change like this still has to be built.

Till then, we offer real time solutions for you to take on right now to aid in the sinking ship of physician burnout.

Problem: Solving physician burnout

Solution: Encouragement, Access, Rewards

To begin thinking of a large scale view, we use the foundation of the social construction of reality theory which has withstood the test of time since 1966.

A positive solution to solving physician burnout.

  1. Language

  2. Institutions

  3. Socialization

  4. Reification

  5. Legitimation

  6. Knowledge

  7. Habits


  1. Language

If you think ‘burnout’ you may picture something like this

If you think the opposite of burnout : you may think ‘rejuvenated’ or energized.

So instead of focusing on the word burnout - let the message change to “We are rejuvenating our physicians” Are you taking time to rejuvenate?

What are the other words or phrases can you shift into the positive in order to help shift the pictures in people’s minds when you seek a positive solution to a negative problem?

2. Institutions

Identify if your institution is part of the problem. Are you a hospital, insurance company, medical school, family or loved one who supports a physician?

If the answer is yes, your only option is to buy into the solution instead of contribute to the problem.

Look to the highest level down to the front lines, how can you be a part of the change from the administration to ground zero?

It is time to get involved instead of being an active bystander hoping someone else will fix this problem.

3. Socialization

The physician and everyone else must support the rejuvenation over burnout. There has to be a positive social acceptance for a balanced and nourishing life instead of the unrealistic and rapid rate of intensity the physicians are expected to operate under.

If you have social contact with a physician you can help fill up their bucket by supporting their rejuvenation, self-care, or any way you can possibly think is possible.

4. Reification

There must be posters on the walls, literature available, rejuvenation meetings, and even a support network. Rejuvenation needs to come to life with tangible signs and encouragement; physicians need to be able to see ‘rejuvenation’ in order to move in that direction.

5. Legitimation

Physicians, health care organizations, hospitals, insurance, academic institutions need to recognize rejuvenation of physicians needs to be a priority and it is a legitimate concern worthy of time and resources.

We see physician burnout leads to compromised healthcare for patients so we would vote for yes! It is legitimate.

6. Knowledge

What would the knowledge of rejuvenation look like? Meditation, nutrition, rest, massage, positive psychology, oxygen therapy, nature visits, family time, and the list continues. How is there a way to create a track for the accumulation of knowledge associated with rejuvenation?

7. Habits

Beyond the policy driven changes the habits of the individuals have to change introducing rejuvenating activities multiple times throughout the day whereas rejuvenation could occur everyday, hour, or 15 min.

We are clear this is kaleidoscopic problem.

Instead of sitting in awe of the problem, get in the game and become part of the solution.

The physicians need all the help they can get.

And if you are a physician, it is up to you to go in a different direction.

Physician burnout is a bomb for healthcare. It hurts the physicians, loved ones, families, friends, colleagues, patients, nurses, administration and even strangers.

Stakeholders need to get involved and agree on a tangible action plan to tackle things head on otherwise our hypothesis is this problem will continue to get worse over time.

We are here to help.

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