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COO TESTIMONIAL: Happiness Makeover Leadership Program

I engaged Dr. Aymee and began working with her and through her program during a very difficult time during my life. I was in a downward spiral and generally feeling like my life and my happiness were out of my control. I did the work and when I failed to do the work she kept me focused and helped me get back on track. Her focused, strategic, step by step approach is extremely helpful for anyone looking to make massive overhauls in their life. Big change is hard and it can seem daunting and overwhelming when you're at the bottom of the hill looking upwards.

I've tried different modalities throughout my life including three years of weekly therapy sessions, which were unstructured and solely provided a verbal echo chamber for me to randomly share my thoughts. Dr. Aymee's program is nothing like that. It's a program where you are held accountable throughout and you will rewire your brain for happiness if you work her program (which is very manageable when you break it down week to week).

I am a different person than when I began working with Dr. Aymee. Some people think happiness is an emotion you feel from time to time when a given set of circumstances align. I used to think like this. Now I know that happiness is a life strategy and it is something I can generate continuously within myself. I highly recommend Dr. Aymee's program to anyone desiring to take their life to the next level.

Chief Operating Officer (COO), San Francisco, CA

Healthcare Technology

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